


Contact Me.

Neil Krauss
Brightality, Inc.
145 West 200 South, Suite C
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Blog Archive


On Campus

These are some shots from on campus this morning. I really like the series of chairs. We have been focusing on the zone system in class so I was looking for some high contrast scenes. I also really like the parking lot paint one as well.


At Play!

These were for the most recent shooting assignment from my photo vision assignment. We had to shoot a non-typical (for us)subject in a manner we wouldn't usually choose. This is what I came up with. I figured the exact opposite of natural landscape would be urban landscape. So, this is what I came up with. I really liked how moody they turned out as well. Plus, I finally figured out how to control the color, so the images should look pretty acurate color wise.


Good Old Logan!

This is another one from last November, only it was taken up in Logan at First Dam. Steph and I were standing in the exact spot where we had our first kiss. It was a little windy that day, just look at Steph's hair. The hardest part about this shot was trying to hold a big SLR camera backwards and take a picture. Not as easy as it looks.


The Now Conquered, Unconquerable Tree

This tree has always intrigued me. I had tried shooting it numerous times but I never seemed to end up with the image I was hoping for. Last November I shot this image and i liked it but didn't love it. Well, I tried out my new Photoshop techniques and ended up with an image that I really liked! So, here it is. I really love the vignetting in this image, it adds so much. Believe it or not, I actually bumped up the saturation on this image (i.e. it's not black and white). By the way, this was shot up Farmington Canyon just before the sunset.



I came across another photographer's blog that had some interesting Photoshop tutorials. I tried them out on this black and white image and I'm kind of back and forth as to whether or not I like it. The image is one that I took from the car on the way home from work the other day. I pushed the contrast way over the top just to see what I could do. I really like the old time feel it gives the image.

