Oil in Water
These are also from a class assignment. This one is about portraying racism and criminal nature. We had to read a poem about being guilty of something that we can't change/control. It specifically speaks of being oil in water. Well, I shot oil in water and it wasn't that interesting. So, I tried vinegar in oil and it made for some great color. The poem also speaks about being a bleeding wound of history, so I thought the red color of the vinegar more appropriate.
Farmington Bay 2
I took Steph over to Farmington Bay on Sunday. We saw six or seven bald eagles, and then a beautiful sunset. The clouds were very cool so I couldn't pass them by. Stay tuned for some bald eagle shots in the future. The man I met there last time said they poison the ponds in a couple of weeks to kill the carp. Last year they had between two and three hundred bald eagles come in for the buffet. I'm looking forward to it.
Depth and Space
Farmington Bay
The other day I came across a professional photographer's website, and one of his recommended spots is only five minutes from our house (Farmington Bay). So I went out there to shoot, and what do you know I meet the guy. He let me shoot with some of his high-end equipment for a little while. Nice guy. Anyway, these are all from my camera. I love the barn owl shot, I think it turned out pretty well. I have some others of him (the owl) hunting which are pretty good, just a little blurry (not the highest quality lens). The hawk was eating something I watched him catch only a couple of minutes before.
Artsy Fartsy
Great Salt Lake Nature Preserve
Christmas in Texas
Here are a couple of shots from Christmas. This first one was taken right outside of Amarillo on our way to Dallas. The bright spot up top is the moon.
These two I really liked. In the first one Sebastian is stuffing a cracker overloaded with cheese into Steph's mouth. This was the only one where Mia was looking directly into the camera.